Assorted Triple Planted Fittonias

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For an uplifting pop of colour in your kitchen, bathroom, or even workspace, nothing compares to Fittonias. The delicately veined leaves often result in this plant being nicknamed “nerve plant” or “mosaic plant". While nerve plants are great for brightening up your space, they do require a little attention in order to keep them thriving rather than just surviving.

Often described as “drama-queens” because they’re prone to fainting when not watered frequently enough. If your drama queen lives up to its name and has multiple ‘fainting episodes’, it may become more prone to dying, so try to keep on top of a regular watering schedule.

In the growing season you should water your Fittonia every 3-4 days, but let the soil dry out between each watering. In the Winter, once a fortnight should be enough. Nerve Plants don’t like having wet feet so avoid letting them sit in water for prolonged periods of time.

14cm nursery plant.

Assorted Triple Planted Fittonias - The Flower Crate